"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's" (Matthew 22: 21)
Could there be a separation between the metaphysical sense of God and the Doctrinal Religious rulebook and how would it be delimited?
"Humanist Theology" versus the "Regularity" of systemic discourse: How would the limits between theological rhetoric's and ecclesiastical practice be detected?
Just like the Cosmos, the Commons include the potential of evolution by definition. Why is the social need for progress constantly being ignored through Ecclesiastical conventions (like the Concordat) and supposedly ethical doctrinal principles? The mainstream Media seem to contribute to this ignorance even though it is opposed to the potentiality of social evolution.
"Die Religion ist das Opium des Volkes"
Has religion become a type of opium and the masses a weapon for the state and church?
The goal of the Exhibition is to indicate the “absurdity” which the systemic Religious sacerdotal discourse entails and to remove the sentimental status of "faith" and "religiosity". The majority of people remain satisfied by the mere illusion that they conceive the "meaning of Life" through adopting the doctrinal imperatives of church's rulebook instead of the humanist discourse that religion includes. The ecclesiastic set of rules is historically linked to commercialization and political manipulation. Furthermore, religion has been the starting point for social and political extremism and other negative(-)isms. As a result, the Exhibition underlines the importance of secularism that would lead to the "awakening" of society.
Many questions have been established by Sociologists, Theologians, Intellectuals and Philosophers that intent to discover the essence of the dynamics between the individual and the organized society. These questions arise from the contradiction between the religious teachings and the practices of social manipulation inside the political and religious system.
Through this exhibition 20 artists shall express their contemporary point of view on the above subjects. It could constitute a first step towards meaningful concern and dialogue, an allegorical voyage of approaches on the relation between the individual and the System, an initiation into thought and research.
The Concordat*, as a legal convention, regulates a series of issues regarding the interaction between State and Church. The Concordat mainly focuses on several aspects of public life as education and family affairs, with the additional intention of affecting the legislative work of the State to comply with the doctrinal imperatives of the Church.

Alexandros Maganiotis, Andreas Christodoulou
Andreas Vousouras, Andreas Papamichael, Anestis Ioannou Babis Karalis, Dimitris Gketsis, Dimitris Merantzas
Dimitris Tzikopoulos, Giannis Delagrammatikas
Gerasimos Galiatsatos, Ioannis Dedes. Orestis Karalis
Nikos & Nikos (Lamprinos-Marinis), Vangelis Savvas
Nikolaos Arzoumanidis, Sokratis Tsoumelekas
Thodoris Trampas, Yiannis Sinioroglou
Assistant Curator: Efthymia Athanasodimitropoulou